As in any marketplace, you would have to withstand a role. All Sellers need to abide by the Terms and Conditions of PLANZZ Indigenous before continuing in the completion of the application. A step-by-step guide will support you therefore you can have the confidence of using your platform efficiently. Any issues or questions contact customer support.

Create product adverts

Provide all details and descriptions of products when applying a product into our system. This will make it easier for PLANZZ to process your product and also helps buyers to find your product easier.

Receive orders

After confirming your orders you will be able to see them on your seller dashboard. You are able to contact the buyer, refund/cancel the order and notify your customer of the status of their order.

Process orders

You are required to ship your order in 24-48 hours, any problems in doing so should be reported to customer services to avoid any delay in receiving payments. Funds will only be transacted when the shipment is confirmed and a request for payment is raised.

Receive funds

After shipping out your order and requesting payment from your portal, you will receive the funds in the following 3-5 business days.

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How to become Seller
PLANZZ Indigenous is your central marketplace in supporting local Indigenous, Australian and Women-owned businesses and stores.